
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Marketing Avatar 2010

Holidays are over, and I'm back with fresh & renewed sense of direction. I'm sure, you have decided the marketing game-plan to woo more customers. 2009 closed with better signs. I'm very optimistic of the good tiding in the coming year and the effect on economy, sales and biz revenue.

Plan no-nonsense online business marketing

Let's start 2010 with fresh new marketing strategies. In 2010, the trend predicts the rise of email marketing over traditional marketing channels. The idealized power of online marketing can reach customers in specific way than the generalized marketing through offline communication.

Swift response to customers

Response factor is very crucial in today's marketing word. Organization can succeed by providing unique, innovative customer-centric strategies. Overall objective in 2010 should focus on customer's needs and to provide cross-sell and up-sell opportunities. This year, your should invest more time in real-time analysis and study customer's past behavior and transactional history.

Send highly personal and interactive promotions

Start by building extensive profile of your customers. Information padded database will help you to trigger accurate, customer-centric marketing programs. Moreover, prospect intelligent data help database marketers to send campaigns with relevant offer, at the right time, and leverage best-suited marketing channel to reach customers.

Good Luck for 2010

Sign up today. Let's talk about what your company can do more with email marketing in 2010.

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