
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Reach Active Business Technology Buyers

Best Way to Reach Active Business Technology Buyers
Most B2B technology marketers are still confused on the various channels to use to reach technology buyers. They’re either doing just focusing on one channel, leaving all other media options for chance.
What we found out was that, most marketers don’t do enough research into different channels. To save you the trouble, we have listed out the most effective channels used by savvy marketers to reach technology purchasers and other executives.
Most effective lead generation techniques
1.  Blog
2. Webcast / webinar
3.  White paper
4. Social Media
5. Targeted Email Campaigns

Software & ASPs: Most effective techniques

1.  Free trial / demo
2.  Webcast / webinar
3.  White paper/blog
4. Targeted Email Campaigns
5. Conferences
Hardware companies: Most effective techniques

1.  White paper
2.  Webcast / webinar
3.  Free trial / demo
4. Targeted Email Campaigns

So, what's your take. Are you spreading your chances to reach key prospects in one shot. 

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